
Sunday 12 May 2013

Sunday Social: The Past, The Future

Here comes Sunday again. Time for another Sunday Social hosted by Ashley and Neely. Today we're looking at what we were doing, and what we will be doing. 

1. 1 year ago I was doing... 
This time last year I was still studying to be a teacher with some lovely people. We did fun things like play with plastic dinosaurs, and make these fetching finger puppets...

2. 5 years ago I was doing...
At 20 I was still at university studying Arts Management. I think this was actually the year that I took some time off as I was having a bit of a rough time. So I was working in a nightclub and was part of the student radio station.

3. 10 years ago I was doing...
I was 15 and getting very close to finishing my GCSEs. I was working really hard to get good grades, like a good girl. I was working at the local golf club too.
Now for the future... 

4. 1 year from now I'll be doing...
In a year I hope to be teaching my own class at the school down the road (I should find out this week if I have an interview). I will also be really close to finishing my NQT year so I can be a fully fledged teacher :)

5. 5 years from now I'll be doing...
At 30 I want to be married and have a little bubba to call my own. I hope that I'll still be teaching, but I could be doing anything!

6. 10 years from now I'll be doing...
I'll be 35... I really don't know! I have no idea if I'll be teaching, or if I'll still be in London!

Well that was fun. I had to search these pictures on Facebook so it was like a trip down memory lane!

Don't forget to get involved in Sunday Social!
Sunday Social

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