
Sunday, 8 September 2013

Autumn Days [Sunday Social]


1. What is your favorite fall activity?
I love sitting in a pub garden when it’s getting slightly cold, just wrapped up in a nice coat and scarf.
2. Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?
NFL is big in my household so I chose the Baltimore Ravens as my team. The reason for this was because it reminds me of the Tree Hill Ravens. We then went on to beat my boyfriend’s team in the Super Bowl.  
3. What is something fun about fall in your area?
When the leaves fall and I can walk through them on the way to work in the mornings.
4. What are your favorite fall staple outfits?
I don’t really have a staple outfit but I’m usually all about the beanie. I’ve just invested in some lovely heeled boots too so I’m sure those will get around.
5. What things are his looking forward to most about this coming fall season?
I have 3 weddings over the next few months so they’re exciting!
6. What is your favorite fall holiday? Tradition?
I don’t really have one. I just love half term!

Sunday Social


  1. Walking through the fallen leaves and hearing them crunch is so much fun.

    Stopping by for the Sunday social.

    1. Thanks for popping by :) It's just the best, it always takes me an extra 10 minutes to get to work! x

  2. This is wedding season for you. I hope all of them go off without a hitch. I have never been up north during the fall season so I can only look at the beautiful pictures everyone posts about it.I am looking forward to my birthday and Thanksgiving.


    1. It is indeed, I'm hoping to steal ideas for my own wedding! Well, a happy birthday for you this season! x


Thank you for your comments you lovely bunch!

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