Hi again. Happy Wednesday! I am a few days late on this weeks 52 Weeks of Blogging With a Purpose. Today it’s all about our biggest weaknesses. I’ve mentioned my anxiety briefly and wrote about it in Blog Every Day in May. One day soon I want to be able to sit and really write about my experience and how I am trying to overcome it, but I am struggling to get to there. Forgive me?
So yes, I am an anxiety sufferer.
I’ve not always struggled with anxiety but right at this moment it is there. I am by no means struggling with this as some other people do, and I am aware that my anxiety might be mild compared to others, but it is there. There are a few bits that come together…
I can be anxious in social situations. I’ve been known to not go out it because I didn’t feel I was wearing a nice outfit and I was worried that people would think I looked ridiculous. I also went out with some new girls from my new school recently but I got really worried and almost didn’t go. I don’t know where that worry came from but it was there.
I can be anxious in every day life. While at my previous school, I really struggled with the feeling that I wasn’t good enough even though I was working extremely hard. It got to the point I was making myself ill and not wanting to go to school and had to leave. Now I’m at my new school, that side of my has calmed down and I’m hoping it stays that way.
I am slightly obsessive. When I have a thought, or have something I need to do the next day, I will obsess over it. This can last an hour, a day, or several days. Even if I have written it down or put a reminder on my phone I still can’t shake the thought.
So that’s an overview. As I’ve said before I don’t let this anxiety define me, but it is a part of me and I know that. A lot of the above are things that I haven’t shared with friends so for me to be able to sit and type it for you is a big thing for me. If you’re still here then thank you; I really appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you have anything to share then head on down below as I love to hear from you.
Now for something happy after all that gloom…
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